Wednesday, November 16, 2011

God provides

As I look back over the last two years I can see so many times when God provided exactly what I needed.  It may not have been what I wanted or when I wanted it, but His timing was perfect.

The first time this was evident was immediately after John died.  My older son from my first marriage, Evan, had been living in Phoenix, but was having a tough time finding work in 2009 because most places were struggling in the poor economy and laying workers off.  The company he had been working for had to close down and other places weren't hiring.  In August John and I decided to invite Evan to move to Nashville where the job market was slightly better.  He could stay with us for a few months, find a job and get back on his feet.  Evan started working the week before John passed away and was actually working that Sunday. God's plan and timing were perfect! Evan was in place, acclimated to life in Nashville, working, and available.  I didn't even have to think very long to know that God had this all figured out long before He took John home. Evan has been, and continues to be, a big help with home maintenance, yard work, and doing "man" things with Caleb.

God continued to provide for us at the dirty, ugly social security office full of interesting people.  I knew I had to go there and my mother pushed me to go, but I really didn't know what I had to do.  Sure, I've heard that people who loose a spouse and have children receive compensation from social security, but I didn't know how it worked or if I would qualify.  Once again, God took over and blessed me.  As I said before, John was a teacher, and we all know that teachers are grossly under-paid.  John also had an impulsive side and liked to spend money, so we had come to an agreement many years before that he would give me a certain amount from his pay checks for the household bills and the rest was his to play with. Well, the social security income that I was awarded for Caleb came to within a few dollars of what John had provided every month! We would be fine!

The down side to the social security income is that it ends when Caleb graduates from high school, which will be next May.  This doesn't make sense to me because college is going to be much more expensive than public high school, but those are the rules.  With that in mind, I know that I will have to sell our house and find something smaller with a lower mortgage payment.  I'm okay with that.  I've spent the last two years cleaning out the house and getting ready for this event.  John was a collector of many things and he had every nook and cranny of the house filled.  He was a true believer that "He who dies with the most toys wins!"  I'm not sure what the prize was, but he definitely won!  We've had 6 yard sales, an estate sale, I've sold many things on craigs list, and given away lots more.  This was another source of income for awhile, but the main goal was to clean things out and have breathing room.  Mission accomplished!

My house is now on the market and we're just waiting for the buyer that God has picked out to come along and buy it.  You see, I know God has a plan and I'm not at all stressed about the house because He will either provide the buyer or He will provide the means for us to keep the house.  Either way, I'm fine and ready to accept His leading.  He's never let me down before!

Thanks for taking this journey with me....more to come!

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