It's been awhile since I've had time to write, but lots has happened. My son, Caleb, has graduated from high school, we moved into our new home, and I've gotten an interesting text message.
First things first, yay Caleb!! I'm still not sure how he pulled it off, but Caleb graduated and has started the next phase of his life. I know he could have graduated with honors, but that wasn't important to him and he chose not to work for it. I wish he was driven in that direction, but he's not and I have to accept that. Caleb has other talents and desires. He'll start at Columbia State Community College in the fall and, with increased maturity, maybe he'll realize that better grades can be important.
We were able to move into our new home a couple of weeks before graduation, so it was a whirlwind of activity to get boxes unpacked and rooms organized for a party for Caleb, but we did it. The downstairs was in good shape, the upstairs still had several unpacked boxes, but it was presentable. My brother-in-law flew in for the graduation and was a great help getting pictures hung and porch furniture put together. Caleb was honored and felt truly important when his older brother took the time to decorate the house with balloons and graduation wall decorations. Evan couldn't have done anything better to make Caleb feel good about his accomplishment.
Getting to move into the new house was definitely not an experience I want to repeat anytime soon. We had everything set to close my previous house, close my new house, and move, however, the best laid plans never got off the ground! My buyer's mortgage broker kept telling him the underwriter needed more documents and he was made to sign ridiculous letters as his loan process dragged on. He was frustrated and couldn't get the broker to do anything. I was frustrated because I had friends who took time off to help me and a truck rented. My seller was frustrated because he was nervous about the whole thing falling through. We finally learned that the loan officer my buyer was using had gotten cross-ways with the underwriter, who was making his life miserable while frustrating all of us! Not a nice game to play! My advice to anyone reading this is to use a reputable mortgage company when you need a mortgage, not a mortgage broker. There's a big difference. I actually had my truck loaded when we finally found out that the loan wouldn't close until the next week, so we had to unload my truck and return it. Luckily, my church was very accommodating and allowed us to unload the truck into the church gym, which was lots easier than putting everything back in my house. Then my buyer felt terrible about his loan holding everything up and he offered to pay for real movers to move my things out of the gym and into my new house. This was a huge help because my friends who were helping me were not happy about the idea of moving everything again, even though they would have done it.
My new house is perfect for us. It feels very peaceful and "right". Caleb is happy with his second floor bedroom, even though he still hasn't unpacked everything! Evan likes the location because there's lots of country areas close by and he's my outdoorsy one. I like it because it's smaller, easier to clean, and is in a very quiet neighborhood where I don't hear sirens every night. Even the dogs and cats seem happier. It's been a challenge to find places for everything, but there will be a yard sale soon to get rid of the extras. A few new pieces of furniture have been purchased to make things work. I even put together a small bookcase all by myself! The back yard has a rather steep hill at the back and it's almost impossible to mow, so this week I've got some landscapers coming to terrace it and plant some pretty bushes and flowers. Then I'll put up a fence to keep the dogs in, cover the patio, and we'll have a wonderful back yard. I know I'm more comfortable here because I've spent several mornings having a cup of coffee on the back patio which I never did in my previous home. All things considered, this has been a positive move and, even though it was lots of work and emotion, I'm glad we did it.
Now for the surprise text I received last night. For those of you who have been following my blogs, you may be wondering if I've ever heard from the guy I was dating from Chattanooga. Well, for 3 months I heard absolutely nothing and had come to the conclusion that I never would. Then last night I received a text from him that said he had lost his job the week I was supposed to go to Chattanooga and he couldn't face anyone. That told me he didn't trust what my reaction would be. In his text he said he really did love me and didn't want me to think badly of him.....probably a little late for that! Then came the fishing line when he said he hoped I had found someone who made me happy. To me that was his way of asking if he could come back into my life. Sorry, bud, that won't happen! It was good to know what happened and why he dropped out of my life so suddenly, but I have no desire to rekindle that romance.
This was a long one, but I had much to catch up on! I hope you'll take my advice when looking for a mortgage and find a reputable lender who knows what they're doing. Cherish your friends because they'll be there for you when you need them. Just remember to be there for them when they need you! It's a two way street. I've been blessed beyond measure by my friends.
Thanks for taking this journey with me.....more to come!